Nashville SC was only flashes at home.

junio 21, 2022 Desactivado Por Claudio Villalobos

By Claudio D. Villalobos

Nashville SC vs Sporting KC Fútbol en La Piel Gallery

Juneteenth inspiration.
Tempo time before the game.
La Brigada de Oro presente.

Is he screaming “goal” or just a long ”ohhhhhhh”?
The shot of Father’s Day! We celebrate you and all great fathers. Salud caballero!
Are you a father dude?
Dax is perhaps the proudest father of all.
Brian knows how to breathe down your neck.

We feel your pain Alex.
Jack gets ready to dissipate the Geodis Park smoke.
Aníbal doesn’t know how to quit fighting
Randall was eager to return.
A deserved penalty that was never taken. Next time Hany.

