饾棥饾棶饾榾饾椀饾槂饾椂饾椆饾椆饾棽 饾棪饾棖 饾槅 饾棓饾榿饾椆饾棶饾椈饾榿饾棶 饾棬饾椈饾椂饾榿饾棽饾棻 饾棻饾椂饾槂饾椂饾棻饾椂饾棽饾椏饾椉饾椈 饾椀饾椉饾椈饾椉饾椏饾棽饾榾 饾棽饾椈 饾棜饾棽饾椉饾棻饾椂饾榾 饾棧饾棶饾椏饾椄.

Reporte gr谩fico de Danny Villalobos/Graphic Report by Danny Villalobos

Viejos conocidos. Old acquaintances. (Jack Maher y Daniel R铆os)
A defender el fuerte muchachos, aguanten todo! Let’s defend the fort guys, hold on to everything!
Prepare y apunte… Hany Mukhtar antes de cobrar la pena m谩xima. Get set, aim… Hany Mukhtar before taking the penalty shot.
Fuego! Fire! Hany Mukhtar remata y anota el gol de Nashville SC. Hany Mukhtar takes the shot and scores Nashville SC goal.
Otra raz贸n muy importante para celebrar. Another important reason to celebrate.
Bien hecho pr贸ximo nuevo pap谩! Well done soon to be new Dad!
Salsa o merengue, cu谩l se te da mejor. Salsa o merengue, which one you like better. (Sam Surridge y Ronald Hern谩ndez)
Tyler Boyd pareci贸 retomar el ritmo de principio de temporada. Tyler Boyd seemed to regain his rhythm from the beginning of the season.
Jacob Shaffelburg hizo un gran esfuerzo pero logro poco ante Atlanta. Jacob Shaffelburg made a great effort but achieved little against Atlanta.
El Se帽or capit谩n regres贸 a su antiguo puerto y fue bien recibido. Mr. Skipper returned to his old port and was well received.
Walker Zimmerman y Daniel R铆os no se dieron tregua. Walker Zimmerman and Daniel R铆os never gave up.
Shaq Moore mostr贸 ante Atlanta porque es material de USMNT. Shaq Moore showed against Atlanta why he is USMNT material.
Gonzalo Pineda dirigi贸 desde afuera a su equipo, Shaq Moore ejecut贸 para Nashville. Gonzalo Pineda led his team from the outside, Shaq Moore executed for Nashville.
Josh Bauer le disput贸 cada bal贸n a Jamal Thiar茅. Josh Bauer challenged Jamal Thiar茅 for every ball.

